ramadan session 2022

Intro to Brainstorming With the Qur'aan:
A Ramadan Intensive

Please join us as we explore 15 known thinking processes revealed in the Qur'aan from the pioneering efforts of the late Arabic scholar, Imam Qasim Ahmed (ra) in hopes of achieving an independent intelligentsia. In this intensive we will engage the grammatical language and concepts revealed in the Qur'an in relation to the inseparable life examples of Muhammad the Prophet(saw) for  best practical application. This intensive will also engage the illuminating commentary and tafseer of Imam W.D. Muhammad (ra). We will review the course description and outline, syllabus, power point, weekly reflections and final project details. 


April 18th


6-7PM (CST)
7-8PM (EST)






Imam Tyerre
El-Amin Boyd

Explore More Ramadan Sessions Today!

our blessed presenter

Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd

Imam Tyerre El Amin Boyd is from Galveston Island, Texas and is the resident Imam of Masjid New Africa Center for Human Development in Hitchcock, Texas. He has been active in the Muslim and local community for 16yrs, helping to develop leadership programs such as Light of Perception (Human Development & Thinking Modification Program),The Iron Man Club (Young Men's Leadership Initiative), and The Knowledge Circle(Community Consulting, LLC). Imam Tyerre is also the recent co-founder of 409 Action Network (A Violence Retention Organization) in partnership with the local mayor, school board president and Constable Dept in Galveston County.
Patrick Jones - Course author