Qur'aanic Arabic Reading Fluency - Part B

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  • Instructor: Nadiyah Sa'id-West
  • 12-Week Fall Semester Dates:
    September 5 - November 30, 2023
Course overview
Reading Fluency part B is designed to progress reading skills toward more precise articulation of the Qur'aanic Arabic script. Participants will be able to know and articulate the letters and knowledge of the rules with confidence. Some skills taught include progressive Makhaarej of Letters, Rules of Raa and Laam, Rules of Nuun and Meem Saakin and much more. Build and bond supportive relationships in our weekly guided reading sessions.
Course pre-requisites
Qur'aanic Reading Fluency A or Course Equivalent (Testing Required)
course day & time
9:30-11:00AM (CST) 
10:30-12:00PM (EST)
7:30-9:00AM (PST)
Lab: TBD

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Why should you enroll in Reading Fluency?

  • 12 Modules
  • Weekly Live Sessions
  • Vocabulary Building
  • Individual Attention
  • Reading Labs

Learn In a Community of Care

We are focused on what is important, you. The journey of Qur'aanic Arabic fluency is one that requires patience, care, and concern for the learner and the language, which is what we focus upon at ILI.

Building a Fluency Family

Your Reading Fluency group will become like family. The small group reading session allows for individual attention to correct and grown in your fluency. As you grow in your connection to Qur'aan, you will also grow your relationships with others on the same journey.
Meet the instructor

Nadiyah Sa'id-West

Hajjah Nadiyah Said-West is a graduate of Sister Clara Mohammed School where she began her early studies in Qur'anic Arabic. She is a student of Imam W. D. Mohammed and has studied Qur'anic Arabic with a multitude of scholars within this community. Daughter of Hajjah Valerie Good and the late Bro. Musheer Muhammad (RA), Nadiyah holds a BA in Psychology, a MS in Social Work and a BS in Nursing. Nadiyah continues to strengthen her understanding of Qur'aanic Arabic with her study of Tajweed with ILI and Advanced Qur'aanic Grammar with Imam Abdullah Rasheed. 
Patrick Jones - Course author